Dry Fruit Choco Energy Balls : A Happy Mistake 💝

An enlightened Master said "see a mistake as a mistake, neither yours nor mine...yours means blame & mine means guilt..." I could definitely do without either, for my own peace of mind.😇
Well I'm sharing this as its the most appropriate theme for what happened yesterday. As my dear friend and I set out, with the most noble intention to make healthy energy bars. Somewhere between 3 kids, packing for a trip, feeding them dinner & supervising the , extremely curious & creative 3yr olds, we were battling for our commitment to make" healthy energy bars" 💖.
What happened after was like a beautiful mistake...
Presenting : Yummy is my middle name ENERGY BALLS 💪
Ingredients :
1 cup Cashews
1 cup Almonds
1/3 cup Melon Seeds
1/4 cup flax seeds
2 table spoons Chia seeds
2/3 Cup dates
4 Figs : washed & cut into small pieces

STEP 1: Roast the nuts 😆 in medium flame - first add the almonds after a min add in cashews +melon seeds+ flax seeds & chia towards the end.
As the cashew turns pale brown its high time to put the flame off ( you can choose to roast them in a oven at 100 degrees for 7-8mins.
then coarsely grind them (to your choice)
STEP 2: Blend the dates and figs separately "without any water"
If you are planning to consume them all in one occasion you can add 2 spoonfuls of freshly desiccated coconut in the blender.
STEP 3: Mix all the coarsely roasted nuts & dates paste (consistency can be chunky & v thick)
after making round balls you can then dust some dry fruit powder mixed with "edible +organic +child friendly choco powder".
Tada!!! its ready to be had just like that.
But I like to refrigerate it a bit before consuming.

1.Excellent snack and dessert too as its loaded with goodness of dry fruits.
2.You can pack THIS HEALTH & GOODNESS for your LOVED ones this festive seasons.
3.You can choose moulds to cut them & bake them for 5 mins in a pre heated oven for 125degrees (SO THAT THEY STAY LONGER).

Enjoy and do share how YOUR VERSION turned out.
Remember there is no such thing as a perfect dish, its your love, attention to detail & intention that determines the outcome & you can always learn even if you fail.



  1. Wow!! This sounds totslly delicious and nutritious at the same time. Great recipe.

  2. Wow , healthy and filling. Husbands can skip lunch if packed with some yummy Greek yogurt:-):-)

  3. I am missing my childhood, too good to be missing this yummy food... for me it's food for thought. 👍 ❤

  4. Mouth watering and very tempting.Keep churning out many such easy to make eatables.


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